Interesting Facts
Below are some interesting facts about Wanhua!
Fact No. 1
Did you know the district flower is actually Paeonia Suffruticosa (白牡丹)?This is believed to be attributed to the Chinese song “白牡丹” which used this song to illustrate a young lady’s profound and unpretentious mind. Thus, this has been associated with Wanhua residents’ mentality of strength and determination amidst hardship.
白牡丹,白花蕊,春風無來花無開,無亂開、無亂美, 不願旋枝出牆圍,啊‥‥‥‥不願旋枝出牆圍。
Fact No. 2
The district’s tree, announced during 2010’s Jia Na Festival (加蚋文化節 ) is Ficus Religiosa (菩提樹). This is also one of the most common trees in the Wanhua District because they are normally found within the vicinity of the numerous temples in the area.
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Ficus Religiosa |
Fact No. 3
During the SARS period in 2002, it is believed by the locals that the deity in one of the most famous temples in Wanhua, Chin Shan Gong(艋舺青山宮) played a crucial role in eradicating the disease in the estate. To calm the locals’ worries and anxiety over the disease, temple troupes carried out “Chin Shan King” Tour, which involved touring the entire Wanhua District for days. After the various ceremonies and rituals, the anxiety among the residents reduced. More importantly, residents became united to counter the disease together.![]() |
Qing Shan Gong |
Fact No. 4
Herbal Lane is not opened on Sundays. Do you know why?
Herbal Lane |
This is because the stall owners have come to an unanimous agreement not to operate their business this day!
Fact No. 5
There is only one shop from the old Bopiliao Historic Block that remains operating today. That is Chang Shou Tea Shop operating at Nanning Road.
Tea with traditional rice cakes |
Fact No. 6
While Wanhua may be a little old, the district’s health authorities have been promoting a healthy lifestyle through the implementation of various initiatives including smoke-free parks!
Fact No. 7
Wanhua has the greatest proportion of foreign female spouses in Taipei.
Fact No. 8
Due to the large number of temples in the region, it is common to find stores selling Buddhist or Taoist sculptures and related altar equipment. Old stores such as Laomingyu Incense Store (老明玉香鋪 ) is still present in the district and greatly respected by many locals.